Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Day I Went to Walmart (by myself) and Survived

     I don't like Walmart. Well, I don't like the types of people who shop at Walmart. However, Walmart is much cheaper than Publix and Target. Off to Walmart I went. By myself. Oh, joy!
     I walked in. I got a buggy that made noise and meandered to the produce section. I stopped because the aisle was blocked. Commence awkward "Excuse me's" to strangers. I moved on to the grocery items. Stopped again because people were blocking the aisle. More "excuse me's" were exchanged. I neglected to bring a pen so I could cross off each item as I put it in the buggy. So, I was trying to navigate Walmart and remember which items I still needed to get, which meant my already stressed-out brain was getting frazzled by the second. Aannd, I forgot to buy bread. 

     There is a bright side to this solitary Walmart trip, though! I discovered Nutella; it is made of lollipops and unicorns and rainbows.

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