Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Weekend Where Caleb Goes to a Kansas Concert

     Earlier this week, Caleb got a call from his mom asking about the Kansas concert in Tennessee on Friday. We had both forgotten about the concert; I had to work Saturday morning and couldn't get a replacement due to insurance issues. So, Caleb goes to the concert with his brother, his dad, and his brother's friend. He left when I was in classes in order to make it to the concert in time.

     I, however, got a call from Andrea around 4 asking if I wanted to go shopping with her. I had nothing better to do (other than watching LOST on Netflix), so I agreed. We met at JCPenny and I got a gorgeous teal sweater dress on sale! :) I think Caleb will like it. 

    After shopping, Andrea and I went to the congregational singing. It lasted for an hour and a half. I need to remember water and Chapstick next time since my throat was dry and my lips were cracked. Thankfully, I had some cough drops that helped. 

     A few guys from church had a Star Wars Blu-ray premier party starting with Episode I. One of the guys bought a 50-inch flatscreen and a surround sound system. So, obviously, the sound was absolutely blaring. Andrea actually had to leave because it was too loud. The party didn't start until about 10:30 and didn't end until about 12:30. I didn't end up getting to sleep until about 2. A factor in me not being able to sleep was the fact that Caleb was out of town. Sleeping alone is WEIRD, especially when you've gotten used to sleeping next to your husband in the last four months.


  1. Glad you had an eventful day! Sleeping alone does feel weird, especially if you're alone in the house/apt. It won't happen too often! :)

  2. I'm Caleb's brother's friend. I think I'll legally change my name to that.
